Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

Today my husband and I spent part of the day watching our 26 year old daughter kick out her deadbeat roommate. My daughter unfortunately likes to take care of strays; all kinds; animals and apparently people. This person had come up with a business idea to promote bands and not only did he do very little work and put no money in the venture; he never paid rent. Why you ask; well do the words "deadbeat loser" mean anything? This is not the first time he has skippped out with out any payments.

Of course I can't blame him 100% maybe 75% and her the other 25%. Come to find out not only is he a deadbeat he is a bully too. Yep, he bullied her into a few things and now she has had to move back to her parents house because she litterally has no savings or any way to live on her own until she digs out of her debt hole.

I am sure you can sense the frustration in my tone. As a parent you have so many hopes for your child; send them to private schools and private college, thinking that if they get a solid education they will have some sort of edge when they do head into the real world. We'll the problem with my theory is this...this child has "free will" yes they have a brain of their own and you can only hope they use it for good and to better themselves. Not for one minute did I ever think my adult child would have to move back to our house.

Now you say, Vicki you are a recruiter you can help your daughter find a job. We'll again folks there is a problem with that theory and again it's called "free will" Just because you can give your kid advice and point them in the right direction does not mean for one minute they will take your advice and make something happen.

I can only hope in the coming weeks she starts to get her act together. This is definitely a different generation. I keep saying that and I am quite honestly not that old myself. But I do remember working my way up the ladder from menial jobs such as food prep and accounting clerk. This generation doesn't seem to understand that the first job you get is not the job you are having for life and yes you probably will be doing such menial tasks as filing.

For all of you looking for that foot in the door I can recommend this site as a start: Good luck and try not to make your parents too crazy with your career choices.