Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Power of a Network

Do you have a network of professionals you correspond with frequently?'s definition of networking is: 'Developing and using contacts made in business for purposes beyond the reason for the initial contact."

Do you use your network for good or evil?

Recently I got to witness the power of my network. I sent out an email to contacts I have frequent interaction with; some of them daily, some weekly, monthly. You get the picture; people I connect with more than just when I need something. (do you hear me all you people that only contact your network when you are out of a job?) Sorry I digress...

The email I sent out pertained to my daughter looking for a job. I didn't send the note to everyone on my network list but only the ones I felt would have a connection somewhere with the type of companies and individuals that may have connections with regard to the direction and career my daughter was looking to enter. I sent my email to my list mid-day with her resume inserted in the body of the note not as an attachment. By the end of the day and into the evening she was getting responses from people that had openings that matched her background and interests. My current network even sent the note along to others in their network and THOSE individuals were contacting her.

Networking works if you a) use your network appropriately and b) don't keep going to the well without reciprocating when one of them reaches out to you or asks you to help one of their contacts.

A network needs you to care for it and nurture it. Meaning connect with your network frequently. I want this post to also act as a BIG THANK YOU to all of the individuals in my network that were kind enough to pass my daughter's information along and/or reach out to her personally. I appreciate you all and look forward to helping you when you reach out to me.

More later this week...