Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Blogs, blogs everywhwere...

Where do you start with SO many blogs and interesting information to choose from? I know now that I have started using Twitter ( I feel like I have ADHD! I really have to find a better way to keep up with what's happening in and around my networks and I vow to do a better job.

Just to show you what I mean take a look at my most recent day events:
While reading Shelly Greenberg of the Brazen Careerist ( I looked up the Social Media 4 Social Good site and from there got connected to Change Blogger So NOW you see my dilemma - I am like a bird hopping from one site or thought to another; not so productive when you have "real work" you should be doing.

As I have said here in the past and I still do highly recommend checking out the Brazen Careerist; lots of great info for job seeking and just managing your life - regardless of what generation you are from.

You will still find me tweeting or twittering from the web or my twitter berry and you can follow me if you so choose at But now I must get back to my clients.