Thursday, November 6, 2008

Social Networking Do You Do It?

Lately there has been a lot of noise, talk whatever you want to label it around social networking and the next relevant thing. I will try to outline some of these for you to check out.

LinkedIn is fantastic if you want to look for a job or just be connected to various groups of people. I have been using LinkedIn since it's begininning; seems to be as relevant now as ever. The way I use LinkedIn now is different than when I was first signed up. I used it exclusively to find candidates and be get reconnected to people at consulting companies I had work for. But then I started being contacted by companies for my services; have actually recieved quite a bit of work off LinkedIn.

Whether you are a passive candidate, active candidate or general networker, LinkedIn is worth your time to fill out your profile and start getting connected.

Twitter is another story; little snack bite bits of information rushing across your desk on a minute by minute basis from the people you follow and of course from the information you share for the people who follow you. I have learned quite a bit from following some of my favorite recruiting folks on Twitter. It's important for me to add to my tool belt and the people I follow (my daughter included) are quite witty and brilliant and willing to share information.

The Ning system of Social Networks is fantastic; create your own Social Network or join others that suit your fancy or interest. I am partial to the MedxCentral Ning for all things medical related and all people in the medical field.

These are only a few of my favorite things/places to go for Social Networking. I hope you are inspired to cruise the web and get involved because your friends and even your family are doing it.