Friday, November 7, 2008

Nothing Can Stop Us Now

A guest column from my friend Rev. Walt Brewer; couldn't pass up passing this along.

November 7, 2008 - "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." - Thomas Jefferson

Some days it seems like all is right with the world, everything is falling perfectly into place and the Universe is conspiring in our favor. Then there are those other days where nothing seems to work and every which way we turn, we face obstacles and road blocks.

What is the difference? Is the world really that different one day to the next? Do we have a certain number of good days and bad days that have to balance each other? Is the Universe a friendly place or not?

The world, the Universe, Law, it’s all constant. Our approach to it, our belief about what is possible for us and what we believe will most likely happen next are the variables that we each bring to our experience of the same day, the same Life.

As Jefferson says, our attitude determines our experience, our perception of what is possible and it is the filter through which we will interpret whatever is before us.

With the right mental attitude, a heightened expectancy of good now and good continuing, we will feel more adept, ready and able to take on whatever is before us. We will expect to move through this and onto something even greater.

With the wrong mental attitude, our pessimism will discount any present good and we will assume the worst regarding our future. Sometimes we can be quite creative in our visions of doom and demise.

While we cannot control the world and everyone else sharing it with us, the good news is that our mental attitude is completely within our power. It may not always feel like it when we get that message or letter or news that shakes us down to our foundation. At those moments emotions run rampant and our mind will scurry about from one fear to the other. It seems to take on a life of its own.

Yet in the midst of that creative process of entertaining an idea, basing our attitude and our actions upon it, we are completely free to choose another, bigger, bolder, inspiring idea, invest our energy into that and build our attitude and actions upon it.

Either way, the same amount of time will pass, the process we go through is essentially the same and the world will keep offering us opportunities. The difference will be the attitude we choose to entertain, nurture and engage whatever and whoever is before us in this moment.

Realize that you are always at a moment of choice and power. When you choose to believe the best about yourself and others, you align yourself with energy and support that is irresistible. With this attitude firmly established in each one, truly nothing can stop us.

Life is truly wonderful! Share this with those you care about.
God is All There Is,
Rev. Walt Brewer
Center for Spiritual Living Greater Austin"Creating Conscious Community, Individually, Collectively, Globally”
Office Contact Info:512-892-7777