Monday, March 16, 2009

Stuck In the Middle

I have been thinking recently that most of us are stuck in the middle of various scenarios.

Exhibit A: The economy - people are afraid to stay in their current job but they are afraid to change jobs even if they know they should.

Exhibit B: The government bailout of AIG; people are angry that the government gave them money and they are using for bonuses and that American's will have to foot the bill so to speak. Had the government NOT bailed them out the consequences could have been much worse!

Exhibit C: Individuals on their weight loss journey; stuck between two sizes. One size is clearly TOO big while the other size is NOT quite big enough.

Stuck in the middle; it can be a tough place. OR it can be a time for breaking out of old ideas. Ideas that have held us back from what we really want; Freedom. We all want freedom from fear which is a false idea because its your ego trying to get you to believe that YOU call the shots. Hey - wake up - your higher power calls the shots (no matter how much you want to control everything) once we get clear and tuned into it then life really does even out.

During times of uncertainty I like to call on advisers or coaches. Some of my personal favorites are Marianne Willamson, Gary Zukav and Eckart Tolle. You may find peace reading their words as well.

I challenge all of you today to let go of fear; know that all the reasons we feel stuck are just a minor blip on the radar screen and will pass. It's time to move on and to move into the next phase of your life; be it a new job, new home or new career. You can do it and so can I.

Enjoy the rest of your week I know today calls for Blue Skies!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Motivation

My New Year's motivation has come in the form of a competition with a friend of mine. Lucy* knows I have been working on a weight loss plan since April 2006. When I started I was at 33% body fat; recently my trainer took measurements and I am happy to tell you I am now at 18% body fat. The motivation/challenge now is to get "bikini ready" actually to wear one on Memorial Day 2009 at Lucy's pool.

By accepting the challenge I am doing a couple of things; a better job of planning and time management. These two tasks will serve me well with my recruiting business. A few tools I plan to use are the personal Calorie Counter and The National Body Challenge site. The other two things I plan to do are still work with my trainer Liz Greene twice a week and continue my cardio workouts but go more frequently.

I would love to eventually have abs as rock hard as Pink's! but look, for an almost 50 year old I'll be happy to get as close as possible! Everyone says Life is a Journey and who knows maybe once I reach the bikini goal I'll move onto mountain climbing!

Whatever your motivation, challenge or resolution is for 2009 I recommend you get a support person, coach or group to be accountable to. Having someone to report back to is motivation enough not to eat that slice of pie!

All the best to you for a fantastic 2009! I hope you get everything you want this year.

(*names have been changed)